Failing, Refusing or Missing a U.A.

Unfortunately, as far as the Department of Transportation is concerned - whether you have failed, refused or missed a U.A.; it is viewed as a failed U.A. on your driving record. If you have failed a recent U.A. or refused a U.A. and now find yourself needing to complete the DOT SAP Process - I can help! You’re a busy professional, with an important driving role that you play in our economy…let’s get you back to work!

I’m one of a limited number of DOT SAP Certified Providers in the greater-Kansas City area who can legally help you navigate the DOT SAP Process. As with all government-regulated processes, it’s a little complicate to navigate; but I will walk beside you and help you all along the way!



Get connected with a DOT SAP Certified Provider (Counselor). If you are part of the DOT Clearinghouse (the national DOT website for all drivers and employer’s of drivers), you will need to log on to the Clearinghouse and on your employee profile, click on ‘choose a DOT SAP Provider’ and find Sitka Stueve and choose me. This will automate an email to me that directs me to accept or decline to be your DOT SAP Provider.


Call me and let me know that you are wanting to set-up your DOT SAP Evaluation. This is a complete drug and alcohol assessment that we complete in a 45 minute, video session together. When you schedule your session with me, it will automate an email back to you that instructs you to click on the Client Portal link to complete all the beginning paperwork online and to input the credit card you want to use to pay for the services.



Meet with me & complete the initial Drug & Alcohol Evaluation. At the end of the evaluation, I will determine and share what level of ‘treatment’ you will need to complete. Treatment is a broad term that can mean anything from psycho-education to actual substance abuse treatment. I will explain what level of treatment you need, how many hours to complete and; then, will send you an email with three recommendations for you to call and determine which one you will complete your work with. After you have completed treatment, you will ask for a Certificate of Completion or a Diagnostic Summary Report to be completed and emailed to me. The Fee for this 1st Part = $500.

You will also need to be prepared to share with me at the time of this evaluation the date you failed the U.A. and the name of the professional at your company who will need to receive the reports I will create on your behalf. I will need that persons name, title and email address.


Complete Treatment recommendation in full, obtain completion certification or diagnostic summary report and have document emailed to me at Outreach me by text to confirm you have completed this step and are ready to schedule your Post-evaluation with me online.


Meet with me online to complete the Post-evaluation check-in. This meeting is typically fairly short (15-30 minutes). After we meet, I will then be authorized to complete the Return to Duty Report and Follow-up Testing Plan to send to your current employer. Your employer, after they receive your reports, will outreach you to have you take a Return to Duty U.A. and you will be back up & running full-time! The Fee for this 2nd Part = $250.

If you were terminated because of the failed U.A., you will likely be job searching during this time. The market is extremely good right now and having a failed U.A. on your driving record will not hinder you from being employed again. It will show you have successfully completed the DOT SAP Process and the date of completion. When you are offered a new job, you will outreach me to send by email your Return to Duty & Follow-up Testing Plan Reports and; then, will be asked to complete a new hire U.A. for them, as part of the onboarding process. Please note that the total Fee for the DOT SAP Provider is $750.


The Follow-up Testing Plan follows you for a minimum of one year with a minimum of six additional U.A.s during that year (If you have multiple, failed U.A.s, this triggers multiple years of follow-up U.A.s). If you have multiple employments during that twelve month period, you will need to outreach me each time you begin a job & let me know who to send the Return to Duty & Follow-up Testing Plan Reports to.

Let’s get you back on the road again!

I am ready to help you successfully complete this important process, as quickly as possible. Either give me a call or click the button below to book your session. I look forward to helping you complete this important DOT SAP Process!

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